Friday 10 January 2014


The Book is about the strategic importance of appealing to people’s hearts in order to persuade others to support your vision, dream or cause, through story telling.
Non-‘stories’ may provide information, but stories have a unique power to move people’s hearts, minds, feet, and wallets, in the story teller’s intended direction.
For example, in film making, if you miss the audience’s hearts, the only wallet that gets hit will be your own. That is because the heart is always the first target in storytelling.
If one is pursuing a cause that will improve the life of others, for instance, providing clean water for kids in Somalia, and one tells a story of how kids in this area die from lack of clean water and such film is viewed by an audience of businessmen, it’s most likely going to appeal to their hearts, and then the cheques of donors can start rolling out.