Tuesday 3 July 2018


Front line officers in most organisations are the richest and untapped source of ideas and innovation.  They are closest to customers and understand their need best.  They possess the know-how to solve operational problems. 

In most work experiences, innovation often times comes from the bottom.  The closest to the problems are in best position to proffer solutions to solve it.

The Turtle Tank Story – A Life Lesson

An operator of an Aquarium in San Diego (USA), said something very instructive.  If you buy a young turtle and put it in a small aquarium, it will only grow to the size that fits the tank.

Employers have boxed their employees with rules, bureaucracy, hierarchy that stunted their personal growth and organisational contribution – Turtle Tank Syndrome.

Top executives fail to ask for ideas and her dismissive of suggestions from front line officers.

Single mistake by front line officers can be transmitted via tweeter in a second, destroying the brand of such company.

Fostering leadership judgement and innovation at front line cultivates enhanced customer relationship, employee engagement and creation of long term value for the organisation.

Front line officers are the heart and soul of the organisation.  Top management must stay in direct contact with front line officers and use their information/data analytics to define and refine organisational customer strategy.

We all must know in specific terms what we do that impact our customer patronage; if we don’t, we have no business being an employee of that company.

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