Wednesday 17 September 2014





QUESTION: Are you successful?

So many people would automatically say “yes” to that question if they have got an extremely fat bank account. But think deeply here and reflect on this “is success all about money”? Being successful is not all about money, if you go for standard of living (money). First, you will probably earn considerable sums of money, but you will have no guarantee that your quality of life will improve. However, if you go for quality of life first, your standard of living will inevitably go up. With this approach, you will arrive at the end of life’s road with more of the things money will buy and far more, of the things that money cannot buy.

QUESTION: Who is a Successful person?

A successful person is he who is happy, healthy, reasonably prosperous and secure, has friends, peace of mind, good family relationship, helps others to achieve their dreams and goals, has hope that things will either continue as they are or get better and most importantly, has a relationship with God because without God, all things are permissible but with God, all things are possible.


QUESTION: Can any person be truly successful?

The answer to that is “YES”. To get all you need to become successful, you need to understand that you have got to deal with all aspects of your life. This includes your personal, family, business and spiritual lives. You must also deal with the physical and mental because what happens in your personal life affects your performance on your job. What happens in your career affect your relationship with your family, what happens with your family affects every phase of your life.

Your intellectual growth, your attitude to life and people around you, your physical and emotional health and your approach to spiritual matters are all inseparable. You need to balance all these aspects of your life, because each part inevitably affects the financial life, which in turn affects all the others. ONE MORE TIME: They’re all tied together.

Now, everyone can be successful because true contentment and total success come from the things money can’t buy. That is why, you need to go for quality of life first.

QUESTION: How can I be successful?

You already know what it means to be successful and you know to some degree what it would require for you to be successful. You must work for your success because true success isn’t handed to you, you work for it and eventually earn it. Life is tough, but when you are tough on yourself, life will be infinitely easier on you.

Here are some tips on how you can be successful:

1. Motivation: You need motivation in your life because motivation gives you the “want to” but you have also got to realize that motivation isn’t permanent, you need to deliberately seek encouragement (motivation) on a daily basis. Doing this forms a habit for us and this habit would enable us get ahead and stay ahead in life.


2. Passion: Passion can easily be defined as “a strong emotion, an ardent love, zeal, eager desire, hope and joy”. It’s easily observed that men and women who reach the mountain tops of life have a passion to give their all and be the best they can be. For you to become that successful man or woman you have always wanted to be, you must have a passion for success. This “passion” is what would become your driving force, it would help you back on your feet each time you fall, it would encourage you always and it would eventually take you to the great heights you desire. Now, don’t let your passion become misdirected because misdirected passion becomes an obsession and while “passion” is positive, controllable and tremendously energizing, “obsession”, on the other hand, is negative and destructive. The person with a passion for his job becomes a peak performer while those who have an obsession with it become workaholics.


3. Positive Thinking, Enthusiasm, Skills and Attitude: Positive thinking and enthusiasm are important, but they will only take you so far and alone, they will not keep you at your peak. In addition to having a positive attitude and enthusiasm for what you’re doing, you have to learn the skills of your trade. In all, a positive attitude + enthusiasm + necessary skills, is an important ingredient for success.


4. Character: You need to possess a good character to be able to succeed in life. Yes, we know several people who have bad characters but are successful you might say; let me quickly bring to your memory that those people are not successful, they only have a lot of money to spend because the truth is, you cannot be successful in life and have a bad character. If you have the right attitude, combined with the right skills and build your attitude and skills on a good character base, you would enjoy long-lasting success. Will a good



character, you will, to the best of your ability, say and do what is right. This approach eliminates both fear (of being “caught” and guilt (for breaking the laws of God and/or man). With the removal of these two weights, your trip to success will be easier and faster.


5. Commitment: A true commitment is a heartfelt promise to yourself from which you will not back down. To succeed, you must have a commitment for success. You must have your skills improve your attitude (where and if necessary) and build your character. Most people who fail in their dreams fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment.


6. Hope: Hope is the foundational quality of all change. Without hope, there is no action. The unemployed individual with no hope of finding a job will not look for one. Life itself, from time to time, presents us with what we perceive as being “hopeless situations”. However, there are really very few hopeless situations – only people who lose hope in the face of those situations. I say when the going gets tough, the hopeful keep going. With enough hope in your life, you are going to have considerable enthusiasm, zest for what you are attempting to accomplish and with each accomplishment, that enthusiasm will build and this constant building in time, would lead to your success.


7. Past: There is need for you to make friends with your past and your failure, doing so, would help you focus on the present and safeguard your future. Your past is an important part of who you are and learning from the failures of your past would help you strive to possess a successful present and future.


Hence, let me sum all these up with this: the man who succeeds has a program. He fixes his course and adheres to it. He lays his plans and executes them properly and precisely. He goes straight to the goal. He knows where he wants to go and he know that he will get there. He loves what he doing and loves the journey that is taking him to the object of his desires. He is bubbling over with enthusiasm and he is filled with zeal. This is the man who succeeds.

In all you do in life, motivation gives you the “want to”. Training and education give you the “how to” and the combination produces the necessary creative ideas to make you more effective in realizing your dream(s). Character, commitment, discipline, responsibility, determination, and passion takes you to the top and keeps you going. MEET YOU AT THE TOP.


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