Wednesday 17 September 2014


 Winning With People

Winning with people is about getting things done through people, and this is an essential attribute for anyone who wants to be successful in life. This book review highlights the factors that are very critical to winning with people.

ONE - Start with Yourself

If you want to win with people, you've got to be a winner or at the very least be on your way to becoming one.

Also, being a Winner comes to your value - “Winners are Valuable”. When you embrace your own personal value, when you are secured in who you are, then you have become a winner.

Below are some things you must do in becoming a winner:

 Recognize your values

 Accept your values

 Increase your values

 Believe in your values


Always remember that as human beings, we never lose our values irrespective of what might have happened and that not until you become a winner yourself, you will never truly win with people.

TWO - Practice The 30-second Rule

The rule of this notion is that when you make contact with people, instead of focusing on yourself, search for ways to make them look good.

The 30-second rules means “Within the first 30 seconds of a conversation, say something encouraging to a person”.

A good thing to note is that there is no one who does not feel and do better when you give them:






Motivation helps people who know what they should do to do it.

“A gossip is one who talks to you about other people, A bore is one who talks to you about himself and a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself” – WILLIAM KING

THREE - Let people know you need them

A leader can become greater only when they realize they are the one who need people.

When the vision gets bigger than you, then you are left with two options: i.e. give up on the vision or get help.

As a good leader, always let people know you cannot win without them; asking others for help is a greater way to make them feel like a million buck!

Whenever a person feels he/she knows what you don’t, it gives an ego boost.

FOUR - Create a memory and visit it often

There is no one in this world who does not understand the value of true memories. It’s something that sustains people during the worst of times and inspired them during the best of time.

Make things happen, memories don’t find us – we find them.

Set aside time to make things happen. Most memories we have are with the people we spend more time with.

Plan for things to happen most people don’t live their lives they just accept their lives.

Find a way to make something happen

Make something happen together.

Show that something happened

Talk about what happened


FIVE - Compliment people in front of other people

A private compliment turned public, instantly and dramatically increase in value.

Encouragement is oxygen to the soul, when we give someone a compliment in public, is like giving that person a wing like an eagle.

“Admonish thy friends in secret, praise them openly” - PUBLILIUS SYRUS

Six - Give others reputation to uphold

” Treat a man as he appears to be and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be and you make him what he should be” – Goethe.

Everyone enjoys the encouragement that that comes from someone that sees and speaks to their potentials.

When we backup high opinion of others with an action, it helps their self doubt to evaporate and resources their drive towards success.

Look past their past and give them their reputations for their futures.

SEVEN - Say the right word at the right time

“no man has a prosperity so high or firms but that two or three words can dishearten it, and there is no calamity which right words will not begin to redress” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Right word said at the right time encourages, saying the right words is not enough, timing is a crutial thing in it.

When you say the right words at the right time, it brings numerous outcomes. An important outcome it brings is “Trust” even when said to a stranger.

EIGHT - Encourage the dreams of others

To loss a dream is a great loss “Death is not the greatest loss in life; the greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live” – Norman Cousin

Encouraging others in realizing their dream is to give them a wonderful gift, the more you do the more they will share their dreams with you and the greater the chance you will get to watch them bloom.

You can never go wrong encouraging the dreams of others.

NINE - Pass the credit on to others

Ways to start doing this;

Check your ego at the door. An egotist is not one who think too much of himself; it’s someone who think little of others.

Don’t wait – pass the credit as soon as possible; even if the credit goes to you. The sooner you give credit to someone else, the bigger it pays off.

When credit is being passed on to others, their biochemistry change and create an “emotional stamp” that forever associate you in their mind with their success.

TEN - Offer Your Very Best

Make the most of your gift and opportunity, make everyday your masterpiece. If we give our very best at all time, we can make our very life into something special and that will over flow into lives of others.

Anyone can be an important person to you if you see everyone as important, not just the people we like the most – we will always offer our very best.

ELEVEN - Share a secret with someone

Sharing a secret with others is an act of inclusion. When people are in the know, it been found to be a show of attributes and adoration to their lives.

When a secret is shared it increases the odds of a close relationship.

TWELVE - Mine the gold of good intention

To mine the gold of others good intention, it’s something that give everyone hope. We need to continuously check our attitude and work on ability to see things from others perspectives.

Forgiveness should not be an occasional act but rather a permanent attitude.

Practice the golden rule by appreciating what others intend, not only what they do in order to mine the gold of good intensions in them.

THIRTEEN - Keep your eyes off the mirror

Learn to focus on others. Happy people are the one who sought and found how to serve others with dignity. Serving others cultivate health and bring happiness. Happiness of a lifetime is derived from helping others and you only get to help yourself if you help others.

FOURTTEEN - Do for others what they cannot do for themselves

No matter how much you think you have, you always have the ability to do for others what they cannot do for themselves. Be ready to lend a helping hand, small opportunities are often the beginning of good enterprises.

FIFTEEN - Listen with your hearth

Be an effective listener – not just to the words but also to the feelings behind the words. To listen with your hearth, your listing habit must be active as this is an attitude that produces a win – win situation in any relationship.

Let us be fully present in all moment, this, the other party will be prompt to notice.

SIXTEEN - Find the key to their health

Make it your goal to know what is important to those who are important to you.

Establish the fact that people are different. Time changes all things including human heart.

Also act with integrity once you found the key to someone’s heart. Only turn it on when you can add value to that person.

SEVENTEEN - Be the first to help

It is the kind of thing anyone can do regardless of your age, talent or socioeconomic status. Begin by coming caring for other people.

EIGHTEEN - Add value to people

Value the people around you, teach them what they don’t know and make them better than what they presently are. Make time to know your most valuable people value. Failure to value your people makes them less important in your presence and kills the spirit of wanting to win with people.

NINETEEN - Remember a person’s story

You can develop a strong relationship and a great connection by remembering and building a person’s story. This also makes you special to that person.

TWENTY - Tell A Good Story

There is no one who does not like a good story and telling it to people is a good way to renew ones gratitude. It’s nice to tell a good story when telling people things, with that; they will never forget all you have said. It also helps to captivate your listeners.

TWENTY ONE - Give With No Strings Attached.

Generosity is an extremely appealing quality for anyone that does it with no string attach. It really makes that person a special one. Give unselfishly and you are sure of a gain in return.

TWENTY TWO - Learn Your Mailman's Name

You are bound to make more friends and win more with people if you cultivate the habit of remembering and calling people by their names. It is a good thing to recognize people with their names as it is one of their most valuable possessions.

TWENTY THREE - Point Out People’s Strengths

Put your people in their areas of strength – it helps them to get more productive. Once identified, don’t forget to point it out – it helps to boost their performance.

TWENTY FOUR - Write Notes Of Encouragement

Cultivate the habit of communicating encouragement to your people in writing as it is generally viewed as coming directly from your heart and more genuine than when it is being spoken.

Twenty Five - Help People Win

All it requires is “care” for others, irrespective of your status or background. Just give your best in helping them win, for this is the greatest feeling you can have in this world. Your ability to make someone win will earn you a friend for life as there is no one in this world who does not like to win.

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself” Ralph Waldo Emerson

In Conclusion:

I would say this book has the essentials in adding values to readers’ lives. Social and communication skills are some of the most important skills to live a successful life. We can’t succeed without other people. This book will help readers to improve such essential skills and I would recommend for everyone not to only have this book on their bookshelf, but to ensure they read and put to practice all that is been read in it!

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