Tuesday 3 July 2018



Jeff Bezos (CEO)      -           3rd richest Bank in the world after #Warren Buffet and Bill
-           Amazon market capitalisation is 432.9b more than the combined value of Walmart, Coach, Nordstrom, Gap, Tesco, Ikea, etc.

Apple                                    -           Most profitable company in the world.
                                    -           It satisfies two (2) instinctual needs
                                                -           emotion and closer to ‘God’ appeal
                                                -           makes you be more attractive to the opposite sex.
                                    -           The cash in hand of Apple is almost the GDP of Denmark.

Facebook                -           The population of the world is about 7.5 billion. 
Facebook has 1.2 billion people on its platform.
-           Facebook/Facebook Passenger/Instagram – most popular application in the US.
-           One (1) of every six (6) minutes online internet is spent on Facebook.
-           One (1) of every five (5) minutes spent on mobile phone is spent on Facebook.

Google                      -           It’s modern day ‘god’.  No institution has the trust
and credibility of Google.

Five (5) Largest Market Capitalization
            2016                                                  2017
            ExxonMobil              $540b             Apple              $794b
            General Electric       $463b             Alphabet        $593b
            Microsoft                   $355b             Microsoft       $506b
            Gte Group                 $331b             Amazon         $429b
            Bank of America      $290b            Facebook       $414b

-           Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook engaged in an epic race to be the operating system of our lives.  The body framework – brain, heart and sex appeal – bears directly to the extra-ordinary success of the brand.
-           42% of US households have a gun
-           52% of US households have Amazon Prime
-           70% of high income earners in US have Amazon Prime.
-           Google speaks to the brain, and supplements it, scaling up long term memory to an almost infinite degree.
-           Amazon is a link between brain and our acquisition fingers – to acquire more stuff.
-           Facebook appeals to our heart.
-           Apple stands alone – a luxury brand that appeals to our need for sex appeal.  People used to be focus on what you wear or eat but now is what you text on – Iphone.
-           Facebook and Google combined control 51% of global mobile ad spending and its market share grows daily.
-           44% of USA and most of the world turn to Facebook for news – Facebook is now a news company.
-           Luxury purchases like Apple products are irrational which makes it the best business in the world.  In 2016, Estee Launder was worth more than the world largest communication company WPP.  Richmond, owner of Cartier & Van Cleff & Arpels, was worth more than T-Mobile.  Lois Vinton MH commands more value than Goldman Sachs.  It goes to say that luxury purchases are related to brain, heart and sex appeals. 
-           The Digital age is Heraclitus on steroids.  Change is a daily constant.  Curiosity is crucial for success.  Agility is the new found term for fast in the new digital economy.
-           What worked yesterday is outdated today, forgotten tomorrow and replaced by a new tool or Tech we never heard of.
-           The Telephone took 75 years to reach 50 million users.
-           Television took 13 years to reach 50 million households.
-           Internet reached 50 million people in 4 years.
-           In Tech era, Pace is Faster
-           Microsoft – 22 years to reach a billion users.
-           Gmail – 12 years to reach 0ne (1) billion users
-           Facebook – Nine (9) years to reach one (1) billion users.

Therefore, trying to resist tide of change will drown you.

-           Successful people in digital age are people that go to work everyday, not dreading the next change but asking “what if we did it this way”?  Adherence to process or how we have always done it; is their Achilles’ heel of big firms and recipe for career failures.  Be the guy who comes out with practical ideas worth discussing and trying.  Play offense.  For every four (4) things you are asked to do, offer one idea you were not asked to do.
-           Take advantage of the project, know everything, be obsessed.
-           Go to College – meet like minds, interact.  College is a brand name.  In digital age, smart is sexy.
-           Education in the digital age is now too costly, its ripe for disruption.  Do something about it.
-           Certification is also important in digital age.
-           Get to city – GDP are determined in cities.  Pimp your career.


In a democratic society, the existence of larger centres of private power is dangerous to the continuing vitality of a free enterprises.

The four horsemen (Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook) manifest god, love, sex, appeal, consumption and add value to billions of people’s lives each day.  However, these firms are no concerned with the conditions of our souls, and will not take care of us in the old age, nor hold our hand.  They have aggregated enormous power.

Power corrupts, especially in a Society infected with what the Pope calls the “idolatry of money” There firms avoid taxes, invade privacy and destroy jobs to increase profit because they can.

It took Facebook less than 10 years to reach 1 billion people, now it’s a global communication utility, with move to becoming the world biggest advert company.  It is a company with 17,000 employees valued at about $500 billion.  Disney, a hugely successful media traditional company commands about $181 billion market capitalization and employs 185,000 people.

Giants of industrial age, GM Motors, GE, IBM – employ thousands of workers.  Their investors/executives get rich though not billionaires but their workers, many of them unionized, could buy houses and motor boats and send their kids to colleges.

The four horsemen employ 418,000 people (about the population of Minneapolis in US) with a total capitalization of about $2.3 trillion.

That is the USA millions of angry workers want back!  They tend to blame global trade and immigrants, but the Tech economy and its fetishization, is as much to blame.  It has dumped enormous wealth into the laps of small cohort of investors and incredibly talented workers – leaving much of the workforce behind.

It is dangerous for the Society, it hollows out the middle class, which leads to bankrupt towns, feed the angry politics of those workers who feel cheated, and underpins the rise of demagogues.

Each of these horsemen dwarfs both the Manhattan and Apollo projects in intelligence and Tech capacity.  Their computing power is near limitless and ridiculously cheap.  They inherited three (3) generations of research on statistical analysis, optimization and artificial intelligence.  Each horseman swims in data we haemorrhage 24/7, analysed by some of the most intelligent, creative and determined people who have ever lived.   This is the greatest concentration of human and financial capacity ever assembled.  The horsemen should use this to cure cancer, eliminate poverty, explore the universe, and not sell another fucking phone.

Heroes and innovators of yesteryears.  Created and still create jobs for thousands of people.  Unilever has $156b market caps and spread over 171,000 households, so is intel with market caps of $165b spread over 107,000 households in USA.  

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