Wednesday 28 January 2015



The book is a philosophical and business book.  It exposes the reader to the fundamentals of WEALTH AND HAPPINESS put together in a busy contemporary world.

The writer took his readers through a journey of his personal experience of Wealth and Happiness.  Jim Rohn, an American, started off as a young married man with little or nothing to cater for his growing economic needs until he met his role model, Mr. Shoaff, a successful businessman who put him through the bedrock of success.

This book summarizes the writer’s experiences which he shared with his readers.  The book exposes the bigger picture of wealth and the desire to think BIG and have bigger dreams of achieving success in life and business and also being happy using the simplified 7 strategies enumerated below:

Strategy 1

Unleash the Power of Goals: Here he highlights what motivates people, the power of dreams, the power of well-defined goals, 4 great motivators( Recognition, feeling of winning,  Family, Benevolence) goals and goals setting(Short and Long term goals and how to set them) and also how to work under pressure by setting priorities.

 Strategy 2

Seek knowledge: The reader is exposed to seeking wisdom, how to acquire wisdom, the secret of learning from others’ experiences, books and tapes, listening, and observation. The need for personal reflections to enable us progress by confronting our past errors.  Also investing in the future (creation of wealth).

Strategy 3

Learn How to Change: Here the writer takes us on how his role model Mr. Shoaff taught him the MIRACLE OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.  He said timing is important to enable us draw inner strength and take advantage of situations and opportunities.  He also encouraged the reader to take responsibility for actions because we also reap the results of our efforts. He buttressed this with the line YOU CAN CHANGE ALL THINGS FOR THE BETTER WHEN YOU CHANGE YOURSELF FOR THE BETTER. He went further to illustrate setbacks such as self imposed limitations e.g. procrastination, blames. 

In trying to change, he advised on areas of personal development: - spiritual self development, physical self development, and mental self development, which he claims comes from a habit of discipline and self motivation
Strategy 4
Control your finances: Here the writer states that Money is an emotional topic which people view differently.  He expressed how various walks of life view money.  How humans derive satisfaction in making a habit of doing the best with what they have got.

Dividing the financial pie

Here the writer illustrates how to allocate every earning after tax of course (PBT)

The 70/30 rule was also analyzed.  In this rule, 70% should be spent on necessities and luxuries while 30% is to be allocated to Charity, Capital Investment, and savings.

Attitude: He concluded that it is necessary to imbibe the wealth and happiness attitude.  Apply the 70/30 rule with strict discipline and you will be on the right path whether young or old.

Strategy 5
Master Time

Time Management:  How to be an enlightened time manager and also to adopt the 4 attitudes towards the management of time: - The drifter mentality (unstructured), the nine-to-five time manager (Btw drifter and workaholic), the workaholic and the enlightened time manager.

The key to understanding the management of time refers to the mastery of time.  Readers are advised to run their day or the day will run them.

Know yourself: Here self examination matters. To know your peak and ebbs of productivity, one should take advantage of our most energetic time in order to be productive. 

The telephone was also highlighted as a time waster if not properly controlled.  Knowing what calls to attend to during business hours and what calls to return. The reader is advised to be organized, asks the right questions and documents his thoughts for follow up.  Using a calendar, have a game plan and how to prepare a game plan

Strategy 6

Surround yourself with winner:  Three critical fundamental questions to ask yourself in order to avoid wasting time with the wrong crowd are;

With whom do I spend time?

What are they doing for me?

Is this association okay with me?

Thereafter, take stock of your present association.  Evaluate your relationships with some of the key players in your life and come to a conclusion. By:

Disassociation, Expand positive association and take advantage to grow.  A strategic evaluation will enable one weed out negative influence and farm the seeds of constructive influence

Strategy 7

Learn the Art of Living Well

The writer shared his wealth of knowledge with his readers on the road to a richer lifestyle.

Contentment:  He said people with same money can live different lifestyles depending on how contented they allow themselves to be.  Therefore he continued that one of the ways to be happy is by pursuing what you want. Avoid worshipping money and giving it the powers it does not possess.

Balance your life by love and friendship: Having someone to love and someone to love you. Caring about one another can be fulfilling and represents life at its most abundance

Study your emotions, disgust, decision, desire, and resolve.  Take action.  Knowledge fueled by emotion equals action.

He asked we ponder on four questions starting with “why should i/you try” the answer being “why not” being the second question which leads to the third question “why not you/me?” (Seeing people from incredible backgrounds doing so well) The last question is “why not now?”  Then ask for God’s help and the future success is up to us.

He posits we have been given the gifts of life but it’s up to us to decide if we are going to use God’s laws to create and to prosper

We should also acknowledge everyone and everything that played a role in the success story of our life, by appreciating our Creator, family, team members and free gifts of nature.

We cannot do it Alone!!!





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