Wednesday 28 January 2015



Less Brown is New Motivational writer who has written various books on how you can live a successful life in this challenging and emerging Global World. He exposes us to myriad of opportunities that abound all around us to enable live and succeed in our dreams

Another of his bestselling book is Live Your Dream. He also features in TV series and public functions as an anchor motivational speaker to professional and corporate client.

This is new book, IT’S NOT OVER UNTIL YOU WIN touches on all circle of life from personal to business success and it is applicable anywhere in the world.

Chapter 1.

Taking Life On: This chapter of 24 pages dwell 7 key issues which include

A)     Beginning Life with Sense of Urgency so that no Minute of our life time is wasted.

B)      Use your Talents, Energy and knowledge to the fullest to gets the require solution to life issues.

C)      Failure is not Final in every first attempt.

D)     Failure can become a powerful tool for success

E)      Despite the continue heat coming, is a sign to continue the fight.

F)      No condition is Permanent. In worst situation we must say to ourselves that I will make it no matter the situation.

G)     It is certain that life is a challenge and you belief to succeed will empower you courage.


Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Badly: This is a 19- page write on the popular phrase on the fear of failure which dwell on 6- keys issues

A)     Be a Pathfinder. Go where there is no path and leave atrial there.

B)      The fear of failure will not make you try therefore you have failed already

C)      You can only survive if you are going at life to keep you alive.

D)     Change is the only constant thing that we must accept as a challenge to keep relevant.

E)      The right Projections keep you ready and superior for upfront negotiations.

F)      Valued Principles should be a strong point when taking decision in tough time.

Chapter 3: 

Ranting and Rating: The 32 pages chapter reveals about 5 key issues as follows:

A)     Your belief System is the engine room to that make you stay on the track of your dreams

B)      Your life driver is built around items which motivates you inner mind for a dynamic living

C)      Values which are dear to you enable you to live a valuable life

D)     Your cores dream when rated enable stand your ground to achieve it.

E)      Criticisms like heat of fire bring out the best in you. Pure gold pass through the hottest fire.


Chapter 4:

Cancelled: This is a 22 – pages chapter that reveals 5- nuggets of going tough at tough time.

A)     Stressful and tense situations and conditions issues that will arise at any point in our life.

B)      When tense and stressful time arise put up resistance and good with your arsenal of belief system.

C)      When you are in tough situation, truth and honesty with yourself and others can be the best option

D)     Stand tall in tough times and replace worries with Strategies.

E)      Strategies and Adequate planning enable you bring new energies to the tough situations. 


Chapter 5:

Letting Love Have The Last Word: This 35 pages Chapter dwells on love and relationship as key burner for a successful. This include 5- keys as follows

A)     Love is the Fire that keep a Relationship alive even in turbulence situation

B)      True relationship is built on trust, dedication, loyalty, Communication and togetherness for steady growth.

C)      Love is the distinguish factor that enable you conquer Life situations

D)     Ownership and Partnership help in conflict resolution

E)      Humility help to checkmate ego in a relationship.

Chapter 6:

Lost and Looking for Direction: 35-pages chapter that dwell on step by step process of handling bad times which include the following  6 rules;

A)     Time is the best panacea for tough as it heals like balms

B)      Do not allow your sense of anger and emotions control your judgments in turbulence time

C)      Your thought is as powerful as your action. So watch it.

D)     The true facts and not feelings enable you take control of tough times.

E)      Your state of mind in hard times determines your quick recovery from the deep blues

F)      Taking stocks at tough times enable you avoid further disaster.


Chapter 7:

Call Home:  This is about the smallest chapter but touches 4-things on those dear to us.

A)     When situations tear you down it is wise thing to focus on the most important to you in life.

B)      The most important thing in life are the past family roles and ties.

C)      This help you to developed long vision for a long term win.

D)     Investment in families becomes key.


Chapter 8:

By Mama’s Side: This is an emotional 16-pages chapter that reflects on pain and grief associated with loves ones especially family members-extended and nuclear.

The best panacea of dealing with such situation is allowing the sweet past memory to take over your emotions. This will enable you have positive mindset on life issues.

Chapter 9:

It is not over until you win: This 19 pages Chapter dwell basically on 5 issues of life career

A)     Not until you win you can say it is over even when you are serious knock out.

B)      Negative situation are goldmines which make you regain lost ground.

C)      Mistake made are part of progressive movement in Life.

D)     Doors of opportunities abound everywhere.

E)      Such Opportunities are only useful when you are prepared for it.

Chapter 10.

Dancing Up Life: This last chapter of 16 pages reflect on after surviving turbulence times you have stand up to not only sustained your success but also improve on it.



The book, “It is not over until you win” reveals that life situation are ephemeral and transient. Only change is constant. Tough time never Last But tough people do.





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