Thursday 27 February 2014

25 ways To Win With People- How to make others feel like a Million Bucks

Author: John C. Maxwell and Les Parrott
The Authors of this book have critically analysed some ways in which you can win with people, these ways can help you become the kind of magnet person who lights up the room when you arrive. It draws others to you like magnet- bringing respect,achievements and success along with it.

These 25 ways are crucial for anyone wanting to win with people. 

1)Start With Your Self

If you want to win with people, you've got to be a winner or at the very least be on your way to becoming one.

Always remember that “Winners are Valuable”. When you embrace your personal values,when you are secured in who you are then you have become a winner.

To become a winner, you must do the ff:

-Recognise your values

-Accept your values

-Increase your values

-Believe in your values

Always remember ; It’s not about money and possessions,neither is it about positions and power. It's about your character and personality

Something To Aim At:

Park your ego; become selfless

Become an enabler

Become the pillar of integrity

Become the pillar of strength

Become a role model

2) Practice The 30-second Rule

When you make contact with people, instead of focusing on yourself, search for ways to make them look good.

The 30-second rules means “Within the first 30 seconds of a conversation, say something encouraging to a person”.

Remember: All people feel better when you give them:




Motivation helps people who know what they should do... to do it.

“A gossip is one who talks to you about other people, A bore is one who talks to you about himself and a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself” – WILLIAM KING

3)Let People Know You Need Them

Being wanted and appreciated is a major psychological booster ---it does miracles for the ego and self-esteem.

When the vision gets bigger than you,you really only have two choices:give up on the vision or get help

“Good leaders make people feel that they're at the very heart of things not at the Periphery”-WARREN BENNIS

4)Create A Memory and Visit It Often

Remember: Life is nothing more than a series of memories. The goal is to have as many pleasant and positive memories as possible  

5)Compliment People In Front Of Other People

Never miss an opportunity to complement good work. It makes people want to do more and also do a better job. Reward those that excel with money and promotions.

Remember, Encouragement is oxygen to the soul

“Admonish thy friends in secret, praise them openly- PUBLILIUS SYRUS

6)Give Others A Reputation to uphold

?A positive reputation to uphold is the best way to maintain one’s performance at a high level for life. Many people are very conscious and proud of their reputation. Their reputation becomes their legend not only at work, but of this life

7)Say The Right Words At The Right Time

Use words that are:

Positive, Affirmative,Encouraging,Full of Praise and Admiration,Congratulatory, Appreciative, Optimistic, Uplifting,Cheery, Joyful.
8)Encourage The Dream Of Others

Most people have a dream ---so, help them attain and/or live the dream. Become a dream enabler

9)Give Credit To Others

Even if the credit goes to you, pass it on to others. People know who did what. You don’t have to put yourself on the pedestal all the time to get attention and glory. The self-effacing approach is the best. Let other egos be fed.

“Also, always remember to reward your employees while the sweat's still on their brow”

10)Offer Your Very Best

Be a good person. Let people know that you are a good person through your actions and behavior

Be proud of your work, Be ready to put your signature on your work ---let the world know who did what. Your work is your masterpiece, even though your boss may get all the credit.

“I do the very best I know how- the very best I can;and I mean to keep on doing so until the end”


11)-Share a Secret With Someone

Some good secrets bond people together. Sharing a secret with someone is bound to boost their  self-esteem.

12)Mine The Gold Of Good Intentions

Good intentions rally people behind you, just like vision does. Intentions clarify the vision, but do not replace it. They speak volumes of your willingness and determination to execute the vision.

Always remember that if you fail to believe the best in others, you will not give the effort to “mine the gold contained in them”

“To err is human, to forgive is not company policy” UNKNOWN

13)Keep Your Eyes Off The Mirror

13)Look ahead. Develop a 20-20 vision. Share your vision with your team and/or organization. Help them jump on your bandwagon.

Remember success in life has everything to do with what you do for others.

14)Do For Others What They Can’t Do For Themselves

Help, for God’s sake help,Not only the first to help, but an ongoing supporter … a mentor

Help people win; help them get ahead ---even if it means passing you over

15)Listen With Your Heart

Most people listen with their ears … or don’t listen at all

The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.

16)Find The Keys To Their Hearts

Everyone has a soft spot and everyone wants to belong and be loved. So, how are you achieving this

17)Be the First to Help

After the verb “to love”, “to help” is the most beautiful verb in the world
Most people hate stress, Stress makes most people ill and it even kills ---the statistics are frightful

Please remove it and people will love you, add it and people will hate
18)Add Value To People

Make them better every which way
Help them develop themselves

Give them unique skills

Give them education and training

19)Remember A Person’s Story

By remembering a person’s story you are showing to her/him that they matter, are important and memorable. They will then think the world of you

20)Tell A Good Story

Be a Storyteller. Say stories that add value, have meaning, enrich people’s lives, change people’s behavior, touch the people's heart
21)Give With No Strings Attached

As everyone knows our world is filled with givers and takers. Most people are takers. Don’t be like them. Be a giver. Give and it will come to you tenfold. Just believe it.

“Life's most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others”

Martin Luther King, JR

22)Learn your Mailman's Name

Always remember that a person's name is one of his or her most valuable possessions

How do you feel when someone calls yu by the wrong name

23)Point Out People’s Strengths

By pointing out one’s strengths you are instilling confidence, pumping up self-esteem, and soaring up the ego (in a nice way). People need you to feel good about themselves.

24)Write notes of Encouragement

Word have the power to give encouragement long after the writer has forgotten them

When a word of encouragement is written down for another person, it is often perceived to be more genuine than when it is spoken.

25)Help People Win

Forget about approaching life as a competition where you have to beat everyone else in order to win, once you help someone win, you gain a friend for life.

Closing Words

Anyone can learn to win with people, all it takes is a belief in them and a sincere desire to help them.


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