Wednesday 26 February 2014


In the years after American civil war, a lecturer name Russel Conwell crisscrossed America, delivering a message that stirred millions of people.

He told the story of an Indian Merchant who had been promised by a prophet that he would surely become rich beyond all imagining if only he would seek his treasure.

The merchant travelled the world only to return home old, sad and defeated.  As he entered his abandoned house, he needed a drink of water.  But the well on his property was silted up (covered with mud).  Wearily, he took out his spade and dug a new one, and instantly struck the Golconda, the world’s greatest diamond mine.

Conwell’s message is a useful one.  We leaders of today and that of the future need not wander the world seeking fortunes.

In the mist of our own poorest neighbourhoods and shanty towns, there are – if not acres of diamonds – trillions of dollars, all ready to be put to use if only we strive to look and see beyond what the naked eyes can see.

Culled from:  Mystery of Capital(Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else), by Hernando De Soto

According to Myles Munroe, ‘eyes that look are common, but eyes that see are rare’.  Sight is a function of the eyes, but Vision is a function of the heart.  There is no greater source of hope than that of Vision.  Every act that has positively impacted human history was a result of Vision.  Vision is key to unity, the magnet for commitment and motivational stimuli for personal/corporate discipline.

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