Wednesday 26 February 2014


“Doing the same thing everyday cannot deliver new result.  To change the results we are getting, we need to change the things we are doing, in the same vein, it means we can never ever get what we have never had until we are willing to do what we have never done”

·         Develop your Self Esteem: 

We all have to develop a burning desire to succeed despite our circumstances.  We must have belief in ourselves.  It fuels confidence and enhances our ability to deal with situations.


Eleanor Roosevelt, former American President said “No one can make you inferior without your permission”


Indira Ghandi “No one can take away your self esteem without your consent”


It is not where you are coming from, or the circumstances that you have been through, that matters, it’s how you interpret and react to what happens to you.


Abraham Maslow “Unhappiness/unease and unrest in the world today is caused by people living far below their capacity.


So, it is not who your parents were, or what they have that matters, it’s who you are and what you do that counts.


-      52% of 500 fortune CEOs – were from lower/middle class/poor families in America.


-      80% of millionaires in America are first generation millionaires.


-      75% of world class company leaders were raised in poverty /abused as kids and had physical disability. 


-      Life is basically 10% what happens to me and 90% how you react to it.


·         Commitment to Excellence at all times 


Excellence is not an act, but a habit.  We are what we repeatedly do.  We all must be committed to excellence.  It’s either we are number one in whatever we do or nothing - Execution.




Even the scriptures supports this in (Corinthians 1:10) – “whatever we lay our hands, we should commit excellence to it.


-       80% constraint to success is within us.

-       20% constraint to success is outside us, the choice is ours.


·         Visionary


We should be able to see what the normal eyes can’t see! Eyes that are looking are common, eyes that see are rare.  Sight is a function of eyes, but vision a function of the heart.  There is no greater source of hope/confidence than that of Vision.  Every act that has positively impacted human history was a result of Vision.  Vision is key to unity, the magnet for commitment and motivational stimuli for personal/corporate discipline – Myes Munroe.


·         Commit to Learning:


Stephen Covey, author of 7 Habits of Effective People said

All information we have today has a 21/2 year life span, after which they either change/become obsolete.  We all must be a lifelong student. Always read books.  You should invest 3% of your monthly income back to yourself – inform of partial development, books, courses, training, etc.  


-      If you read 30 minutes a day, it’s equivalent to one book a week which translates to 52 books in a year

-      Equivalent to a PHD degree in any chosen discipline.  Because to obtain a PHD degree in most disciplines, you need to read at least 50 books and above and do a citation and book review to attain such feat.


We also spend 500–1000 hours behind wheels each year because of traffic jam.

-      This is equivalent to 3–6 months (40 hours week).  If you convert these hours to listen to audio tapes in your car for this period it’s equivalent to 1 year – 2 years Full time university attendance in University of Southern California


Learn about our customers, our industry, our products and about the world around us.  You cannot give what you don’t have.  As leaders if we do not develop ourselves, we cannot develop or impact on those beneath us.

·         Passion

We must love our Job/our customers, our colleagues etc and be prepared to support them to succeed, it is when they succeed that we succeed.  The deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated.  It is easier to get ahead in life when those below you are happier to help you get ahead, rather than hoping for your down fall.

Alfred Adler – it is the individual who is not interested in his fellow colleagues who has the greatest difficulty in life and provides the greatest injury to others.  It is from among such individuals that all human failures arise.

Courage – Think big, confront your fears by doing what you fear.  Courage is not lack of fear or absence of fear, but it is the control and mastery of fear.  The only thing that lies between a man and what he wants to become in life is merely the will to try and faith to believe its possible.



·         Trust, Integrity, Discipline


Trust is one of the ageless elements of any peak performance officer.  We must trust ourselves.  No Trust, no Commitment, no Skye Bank.  Treat people as they ought to be and help them become what they are capable of being.


Integrity is the mother of all values that cement our society.  Honesty is the principle of telling the truth, but integrity is keeping promises made to our customers, our love ones and ourselves.


Even the scriptures supports this in Proverbs 20:7, “Godly work with integrity bless their children after them”


Looks/beauty fades over time but integrity endures forever.  Without integrity, no one listens, without Trust no one follows you.  You cannot demand love/loyalty, they are earned.


Men of genius are admired, men of wealth envied, men of power feared, but me of character are trusted. 


·         Discipline


Power to subordinate what you want now for what you want in future.  It’s the act of   getting things done, no matter the odds.  Be disciplined, make sacrifices, they bring pain, but pain is temporary while growth is permanent.



·         Persistence:  Is never giving up no matter initial difficulties.  Execution is the act of getting things done.  The secret of getting things done is knowing what to leave undone.


Abraham Lincoln, former American President

Got defeated in several elections as he also failed in most endeavours - in school, in business, in several elections in Senate, House of Representative, Governorship, etc, before he became American President in 1860.


Leonardo Da Vinci – one of the world’s greatest artists.

It took him 10 years to paint the “last Super”one of the most acclaimed paintings in the world.


Michael Angelo – one of the world’s greatest artist.

It took him 10 years to paint the “last Judgment”one of the most acclaimed paintings in the world.


Noah Webster  -

It took him 36 years to compose the Webster dictionary.



Walt Disney

Was rejected by 300 banks before the 301st gave him the loan to establish the Disney World that all take their kids to in Orlando, Florida, USA.


·         Team Work:  “One is too small to achieve greatness”.


Nothing of significance can be achieved by an individual acting or working alone. Working in the same office, on the same grade, wearing the same uniform, been paid same salary does not make a TEAM.


The glue that holds a team is the unity of purpose shared and agreed by all. 


Chinese Proverb


To build for one year,  - grow wheat

 To build for 10 years, -  grow trees

 To build for 100 years, – invest in people”. 



Eighty seven percent (87%) of people fail in life not because of capability but because of personality.  People don’t fail because they cannot do the JOB but because they can’t get along with others.





·         Humility


This is the ability to control power, knowing who we are but not boasting about it.  Pride is evidence of low self–esteem, while Egoism is a manifestation of Pride/Insecurity.  The arrogance of a young man is direct result of not having known enough consequences.  The Turkey that everyday greedily approaches the farmer who tosses him grain is not wrong.  It is just that no one ever told him about thanksgiving”.


The tree that has most fruits is the tree that bends to the ground.


Humility should never be equated to weakness.  People often mistake it for that.  It is not an act but an attitude, an attitude of serving, caring for others more than yourself.  


It is a magnetic force that attracts goodwill from people and honor those who possess it.  Those who achieved and possess this quality are blessed beyond their wildest dreams. 


The measure of a true great leader is the courtesy with which he treats lesser men.


·         Giving:


Always give more than you expect to receive.  The secret of success is giving.  It could be knowledge, skill, information, etc, that will make other people succeed in life.  “Givers Never Lack”.


“The highest riches are beyond the reach of money and are independent of fortune.  It is the mind that makes the body rich.  No man is rich, however much money or land he possesses who has a poor heart”.


The more favours we do to others without expectation of repayment, the more powers and influence you have over people. “No man can become rich without enriching others”.


We all shall be judged someday by your standard of life, not standard of living; by your measure of giving, not measure of wealth; by your goodness, not your seeming greatness.


·         Networking:


Your network is your net-worth.  The people you know in life are your net-worth – expand your coast.


It’s my strong belief that if we all exhibit these attributes in the years ahead, we shall succeed in life. 


·         Get a Mentor


No one gets anywhere in life without the help of others.  Get a Mentor.


·         Avoid Gossips


Great people talk about ideas

Average people talk about themselves

Small people talk about others


·         Financial Independence

10%             -        charity

10%             -        reduce debt

10%             -        save

70%             -        live on that


·         Connecting With People


To add value to others we MUST first value others.  Leadership is all about caring for your people.  It’s about love. A good leader must care for people, just as they are.  You can give without loving, but when you love, you must give.


One of the best stories I ever read that illustrated this point was told by a Nurse


“During my second year of Nursing School, our professor gave us a quiz.  I breezed through the questions until I read the last one: what is the name of the woman who cleans the school? Surely this was a joke I thought.  I had seen the cleaning woman several times, but how would I know her name.  I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank.  Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count towards our grade.  “Absolutely”, the professor said.


“In your careers, you will meet many people.   All are significant.  They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello.  I have never forgotten that lesson.  I also learned her name was DOROTHY”.


To succeed in life, we must learn to work with and through others.  One person work alone cannot accomplish much.  As John Craig points out…


“No matter how much work you can do, no matter how engaging your personality may be, you will not advance far in life/business if you cannot work through others”.  That requires you to see the values that others possess.


Pride is evidence of low self–esteem, while Egoism is a manifestation of Pride/Insecurity.


·         Care for the Temple


Your body – exercise regularly.  One hour of exercise adds additional three hours to your life.


Eat healthy foods – in sound body lies a sound soul.

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