Wednesday 26 February 2014


THE MAGIC OF THINKNG BIG- A plan for personal success in life
By – David J. Schwartz

The meaning of success comes in many forms and definitions. It depends on what you are searching for in life or in business. To some it means personal prosperity, financial security, finding real satisfaction from life and a lot of other things to many people.

However, true success is simply the realization and obtainment of a worthy ideal, or result that your heart is deeply connected to. It is soaked with Emotion, Powered by Passion, Driven by Destiny and Forged by Fire of the heart.

True success has to be passion driven with a heart of fire. It is birthed from a dream that cannot be denied. It is driven by a hunger that cannot be stopped. It is driven by action that is unrelenting. It is driven by actions that will not be contained and by a force that knows no failure.

The size of your success in life is limited by the size of your thinking. If you think big and believe in yourself and act upon your belief, you will be successful.
Thinking big is believing Big

Faith can move mountains. Your belief generates the energy, the skill, etc to get the work done. Belief is like a thermostat that regulates what we achieve in life.

·         Always think big

·         Always think positive

·         Think success never think failure

Major obstacle to success is “Excusieties” - MAKing excuses - Disease of failure.

One of the attributes of unsuccessful people is the disease of making excuses or alibi for non-performance.

Various types of Alibi
Time Alibi

People complain a lot about not having enough time to do assigned task. This is totally untrue. We all have 24hrs in a day and 168 hrs in a week.

-         We spend 51hrs a week sleeping.

-         We spend 50hrs a week at work

-         We spend 15hrs a week eating

-         We spend 24hrs a week relaxing, watching TV, playing with our kids, visiting, etc.

-         We spend 4hrs a week for church activities etc.

In total, we spend 144hrs a week doing all the above and we still have 24hrs unutilized. We can take 4hrs out of that for other activities and we are left with 20 more hrs unutilized. So the issue of having no time does not arise. It’s just an alibi for non-performers.

Health Alibi

I don’t feel too well. I have an ailment so I can’t do the job. A lot of people succeed in life despite their health problems.

Ø  Franklin Roosevelt was confined to a wheel chair because of polio but still served four terms as president.

Ø  J.F Kennedy was hampered with severe and creeping back pains but never complained.

So, please don’t complain about your health, but be generously grateful for your health condition because there are people worse off.

Age Alibi

Never been the right age to succeed in life.

Ø  Ronald Reagan was elected American president towards his 70th birthday.

Ø  Col Sanders started KFC in his sixties when he was still collecting social security cheques.

Ø  The apple computer guys started the company in their twenties in college.

Ø  Founder of FedEx Courier services taught of the idea in college.

As regards age alibi; always believe that your best years in life are still ahead of you.

Intelligent Alibi

Feeling of not being smart enough, that people know more than you do. We make errors by;

Ø  underestimating our own intelligence

Ø  Overestimating the intelligence of others.

Never put yourself down or make yourself inferior.  Whatever you don’t know ask people that are expert on the subject or research on the subject. There are more information available in the world than ever before.

-         Remember a positive attitude towards learning and/or desire to want to know more is more important than your intelligence.

-         Build castles with “word” you use not graves

-    Always add value to people.  Visualize yourself not as what you are right now but as what you can be.

Think creatively

Belief releases the creative power in you. Remove the word “impossible” from your vocabulary. Ensure you stop doing things the traditional ways; break old routines.

 Confidence building

Fear is number one (1) enemy of success. Confidence is convincing yourself that you belief in your value and ideal.  All confidence is acquired and developed. No one is born with confidence.

-     Action cures fear. Confront what you fear and overcome it.  

 You are what you think you are

People respect us in direct proportion to how we have respect for our self. Respect begets respect.  If you think you’re inferior, you are inferior. Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your permission or consent – “Indira Ghandi”.


Ways to Enhance Self-respect and Respect from others

-          Appearance:  

Appearance does talk. If you look important, you will definitely think important. Always look good, use clothing as a tool to lift your spirit and build your confidence. Look sharp, for it does help you think sharp.

Your physical exterior has a direct effect on your mental interior. Your appearance not only talks to you, it talks to other people. People evaluate you on the basis of your appearance.

-          Think highly of your job

Your work is what attracts people to you and that is what you live on. As you do your jobs daily, ask yourself this question- “Are my habits and ways worthy of emulation by my support staff?”


-          Enthusiasm

Literally meaning the spirit of God within. If you radiate enthusiasm, the people around you will catch it too. A person who lacks enthusiasm can never activate others to reach their maximum potential.


-          Hang around positive people

Stay away from negative people. If you have some negative people around you, please introduce them to one another and “run away”.

-          Transmit good news always because it develops enthusiasm.  Be nice to people because people do more for people when you make them feel important.  Practice calling people by their names, it makes them feel important. Please ensure you get their names right.  Be lavish with your praise for people.


One of the secrets of financial prosperity lies deeply in the service you render to people. Always give people more than the service they expect. It’s the seed of prosperity as it encourages repeat sales/referrals.

Success depends solely on the support of others. You cannot force people to support you, they will only support people they like and who care for them too. The higher you go in any organization is more dependent on your ability to get along with people more than your technical ability. Think right about people, for they will like and support you too.

10 Points Formula To Develop Your People’s Skill

·         Remember people’s names

·         Be comfortable with people- show no strain being with people.

·         Be relaxed – people should be comfortable being around you

·         Please don’t be know it all person.

·         Be genuinely interested in people

·         Get any scratchy element off your profile

·         Sincerely attempt to heal all misunderstandings

·         Practice liking people and perfect it.

·         Never, ever miss an opportunity to congratulate or sympathize with people.

·         Give spiritual strength to people and people will support you for life.


How to make people work for you

·         Trade minds with people you want to lead. Discuss with them, listen to them and try to see things through their own eyes.

·         Train yourself to think what is the best humanly way to handle a situation

·         Think progress, believe in progress and push for progress in everyone.

·         Take time to confer with yourself and your thinking. Solitude to put pieces together.


Every bit of human progress were first visualized before they became reality.

A goal is an objective, a purpose, it’s more than a dream, it’s a dream acted upon. Nothing happens, no forward steps until goals are set. Goals are essential to success as air is to life. No one achieve success without goals. What are your goals in life? Set your goals.

“Man is adjudged not to be doing much until the cause he works for possess all there is of him”.

Desire when honest is power, but few of us surrender to our desire as its guarantees enthusiasm, better life, better health and better general outlook.

-          A United States’ life longevity expert says factors like weight, exercise, diet, tension, personal habits, etc are factors that will determine how long we live on earth. He however state that the quickest way to die is to “retire and do nothing”.  Goals, intense goals, burning desire can keep someone alive than medicine.


Invest in yourself as leaders


-          Invest in education that would improve your thinking and idea generation.


We need from every person who aspires to leadership, a determination to undertake a personal programme of self development. Nobody, I repeat, nobody is going to order a person to develop. Whether a person lacks behind or moves ahead in life in his area of specialty is a matter of his own personal application. This is something that takes time, work and sacrifice. Nobody will do it for you.



Happy Valentine





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