Wednesday 26 February 2014


Titles do bring power, but the problem with the type of power they bring is that if the title gets taken away, the power gets lost.

The power that comes with being an MD, for example, only lasts as long as that person has the title of MD.  If it is taken away, all the power that associated with it goes out the door with it.

The influence that comes with having a title like BDM, GM, etc, can be fleeting at best – especially in these turbulent economic conditions.

There is much deeper power than titled power, that is the natural leadership power that lives within each of us by simple fact that we are human beings.

Sadly, that potential is dormant and little used within the vast majority of us.  But it is there available to anyone who wants to search it out and then activate it.  Actually, this is power in its most real form.

Because it’s the power that never can be taken away from you, no matter what is happening in the world outside us, it’s the true power, as it doesn’t depend on external conditions.  It is authentic power, it’s the best kind of power we should all strive to possess as leaders – its natural power and it consists of four (4) parts:


1.    Everyone of us alive in this moment has the power to go to work each day and express the absolute Best within us, and you need no title to do that;


2.    Everyone of us alive today has the power to inspire, influence and elevate each person around us by the Gift of a great example, and you need no title to do that;


3.    Everyone of us alive with life can passionately drive positive change in the face of negative conditions, and we need no title to do that;


4.    Everyone of us alive today to the truth about leadership can treat all stakeholders with respect, appreciation and kindness - and in so doing, raises the organization’s culture to best of breed, and you need no title to do that.


The personal authority that comes automatically when you express these four natural leadership powers has so much influence and impact on people around you than does the formal authority that comes with a title.


Please we should always exhibit LWT.

Culled from:  ‘The Leader who had no Title’ by Robin Sharma

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