Wednesday 26 February 2014


Make every thought, every fact, that comes into your mind pay you a profit. Make it work and produce for you. Think of things not as they are but as they might be….Maxwell Maltz

You are a potential genius. Your amazing brain has more than 18 billion cells, each one connected to and interlinked with as many as 20,000 others. This means that the numbers of possible thoughts you can think is greater than the whole molecules in the known universe.

You have the capacity to learn at an incredible rate and to retain more information than you can ever imagine. It is said that “when an educated person dies, it is as if a library burned down”. This potential library is contained between your ears.

Throughout human history, value has been contained in land, labour, capital, furniture, fixtures, machinery and other hard assets. Wars and revolutions have been fought to control those assets. The primary creators of value were those people who could combine these resources to produce goods/services for the market place.
In 20th century, however, we have seen change take place at a speed that is virtually unimaginable. In 1900, 50% of the American population lived on farms raising food for 50% who lived in towns and cities. Today, less than 3% of the population lives on farm, and they produce not only enough food for all Americans, but huge surplus as well that are exported or even given away to the entire world.

We have moved from agricultural age to the industrial age to the service age to information age, and we are now entering the communication age.
The primary source of value today is not land, labour and other hard assets, but knowledge, information and ideas.

The greatest wealth you can possibly possess is between your ears. You can create an unlimited future for yourself by tapping into your brain power and channeling it, like a powerful current to energize your life and get anything you really want.
Wealth and opportunities are contained in the person you are and the way you think rather than the things you have acquired. All wealth are basically mental, there are no limits to when you can acquire for yourself.

The richest American today and perhaps the richest in the world is Bill Gate. The net worth of his company, Microsoft is greater than the net worth of IBM, which has been in business for many years longer. Microsoft is based entirely on brainpower. It creates wealth by making it easier to process information digitally within computers, and from computers to computers by telephone lines, wireless systems and satellites.
If you own a company, your chief assets walk out the door every night after closing hours. Your building could burn to the ground, but as long as your people got out safely, you could walk across the street and start business again. The chief assets of any organization and of any individual are contained in the ability to think and to apply that thinking to getting results that other people will pay for. The ability to create wealth is determined by mental strength rather than physical strength. The real assets of a company are not the tangible items at all, but the thinking ability of the people who work there.

Small improvement in the way we think and perform can lead to significant improvement in our performance. We should also notice that answers to questions on our various fields are changing regularly so we need to read and update ourselves on modern developments regularly. We should also watch out for trends in our industry. This cost IBM loosing major market share of small computers to Apple, Dell, HP and others because it continued to focus on mainframe when the world was moving to smaller computers.
We can break the bonds of limited conventional thinking and expand our mind to achieve our desire goal.
All you need is to:

·         Make up your mind if you are going to be a master of change or a victim of change. Are you going to be a creator of circumstances or a creature of circumstances? As Terrance wrote- “circumstances do not make the man; they only reveal him to himself”.

·         By learning how to think big about yourself and your future you will learn to take firm control of the direction of life and accomplish a lot in a few years than what other people will accomplish in their entire life.


·         To change something in the outside, you need to change something in the inside. You have to change your thinking if you want to change your life. This is the greatest discovery of all.
Two factors that contribute most to the feeling of helplessness and the comfort zone is fear and ignorance and the antidote to fear and ignorance is desire and knowledge. The only real limitation in what we can accomplish is the level of intensity of your desire.

There are four powerful laws towards achieving success in life. They are;

·         Law of Belief: whatever you belief, with feeling, becomes reality. The greater the intensity of your belief, the more emotion you combine with it, the greater the impact it has on your behavior and on everything that happens to you. Belief without faith and action is death.

·         Law of Expectation: whatever you expect, with confidence becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy.

·         Law of Attraction: is considered the most important law of all in explaining both success and failure. The law says you are a “living Magnet” and that you inevitably attract the people and circumstances into your life that harmonize with your dominant thoughts, especially those thoughts that you emotionalize strongly.

a.    Law of Correspondence: the law says that your outer world corresponds to your inner world, that what you experience on the outside world is a reflection of your inner world. Whatever you see when you look around you, you see something in yourself. “Wherever you go, there you are”. Your outer world of wealth, work, relationships and health will mirror back; the pictures and images that are going on inside you. To have happier relationships, you must become a more loving person, not in thought alone but genuinely, in your heart.
The laws of belief, expectation, attraction and correspondence used consciously and deliberately are keys to accomplishing wonderful things in your life. When you begin to change your thinking about your goals and possibilities, your belief and action will change. You will find yourself doing more and more of the things you need to do to make your dreams come true.

Average people have hope, but leaders have vision, they see more than the naked eyes can see. They see a mental picture of what life would be in the years ahead. All peak performers are dreamers; they dream big dreams by thinking there is no limitation in your set goals in life.

Remember, everyone at the top today in whatever field was once at the bottom, they started from ground zero, with nothing. By changing their thinking and thinking big they open their minds and expose themselves to achieving their goals in life with no limitations. What are your dreams? Make a list and take specific action to achieve them.

·         State your goals- it must be clear, precise, specific, time bound and measurable.
       ·         Write your goals down in paper- something incredible occurs when you write       your goals down in a paper. There is a connection between the brain and hand when you write your goals down, it activates the law of belief, expectation, correspondence and attraction. Simultaneously it increases your resolution to do anything to achieve the set goal.


·         State Price you have to pay to achieve your goal- sacrifices you have to make


·         Make plan- Things you need to do to achieve your goal. It is the master key of success. It increases your belief and confidence in achieving your goal.


·         Take action in the direction of your goal. Faith without belief and action is death.


·         Do something of value everyday that moves you towards your goal, refuse to stop. Keep moving.


·         You never quit until you meet your goal. 80/20 Parato rule seems to apply to constraint, but in a special way. It says that 80% of the constraints that are holding you back from achieving your goal are inside yourself. They are contained within yourself, rather than the environment. Only 20% of the factors are holding you back are in the outside world.

The world is full of people with high and lofty goals and dreams, but there are very few people who have the courage, the discipline, and the will power to carry them out.

Norman Vincent Peale used to say “when God wants to send you a gift. He wraps it up in a problem” The bigger the problem that you have, the bigger the gift- in the form of valuable lessons, ideas, and insights that it probably contains. Is the glass full or half empty? It’s up to you.

To think big is to break loose from the mental bonds that hold you down.

-          It is to commit to excellence; it is to make decision right now to be the best, to make the top 10% in your field no matter how long it takes.

-          It is to keep learning, to build courage and confidence to overcome fear and ignorance and maintain high self esteem.


-          It is to put people first because personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievements in real life begin.


-          It is also to ensure that the rate of change outside your organization is not greater than the rate of change inside your organization, other side; the end is insight- Jack Welch.


-          It is to live a great life; the ultimate aim of all human action is happiness. “Aristotle said 2300 yrs ago, that only a life based on values such as integrity, honesty, courage, generosity, persistence and sincerity would lead to happiness and personal fulfillment

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