Thursday 27 February 2014




Stretching to the Next Level

God never performs His greatest feats in your yesterday. Do not allow your life to become dull, keep dreaming, hoping, and planning for new projects, experiences, and adventures with God.

Other people do not determine your potential. Do not allow other people’s opinion or negative words and attitudes take root, just keep pressing on.

Your greatest rejection can become your greatest direction. The dream in your heart is bigger than where you are now.

Give your Dreams a New Beginning

You will give birth to more in the future than you have lost in the past. God has not given up on you; He knows that He put seeds of greatness in you. If your thinking is limited, then your life is going to be limited. If all doors close, God will open a window! 

Do not let your good be enough. You were not made not to be average; you were made to excel and leave your mark on this generation.

What happened in the past is not nearly as important as what is in your future. Quit thinking and talking about the past. Quit reliving every negative experience.

Your destiny is not tied to the people who walk away from you. There are people you may love from distance. They may not be bad people; it is just that the season for that relationship is over. Keep looking forward; get ready for the new thing. 


 Stop Listening to Accusing Voices

Nothing you have done is too much for the mercy of God. If God approves you, start approving yourself. Get in agreement with God and start feeling good about who you are.

God is not looking at what you have done wrong; He is looking at what you have done right. He has already accepted and approved you.

Making your Words Work for you

Our words set the direction for our lives. Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life. Use your words to bless your life and start making positive declaration over your life.   


Bringing the best out of People

You have something to offer that nobody else can give: Take time to make a difference. Do not just obsess about how you can make your own life better. Think about how you can make somebody else life better as well.

When you believe the best in people, you help to bring out the best in them: Do not give up on people or write them off; focus on what they are right about now. Focus on what they can become.

Complimenting each other is the glue that holds relationships together: Complimenting others can help keep and improve those relationships.

Be a giver not a taker: The only thing that lasts is the investment we make in other people’s life. People Spend their “discretionary” time with those who strive to bring out of the best in them. If you will make someone happy today, God will make you happy

Keep Strive out of your Life

Relationships are what matter in life: Our relationship with God, our spouses, children, extended family members, friend, and others within our communities – should not be allowed to occupy lower positions of our priorities.

It takes maturity to get along with someone who is different from whom you are: Every person has fault, do not expect the people with whom you have relationship to be perfect.

Choose to be a Peace maker:  Do not wait until you cannot make amends with someone from whom you are estranged. Swallow your pride and do what it takes to keep strife out of your life.

Taking a Stand for your Family

Do not make your home an abode of strife. Be committed, choose your priorities right and avoid bad attitudes. Dig your heels in and stand for your family if your desire is strong, healthy relationships. Always talk about the good, when you do, you will draw out the good.

Invest in your Relationship

Relationship is an emotional bank – do more of depositing than withdrawing: We make deposits when we go out of our way to make someone feel important, smile to someone, acknowledge him, overlook faults and spend time with someone. Withdrawals are commonly come through selfish behaviours.

Rather than figure out what everybody can do for you, start looking for things that you can do for somebody else. Be a giver, rather than a taker.

Being Good to People

If I meet other people’s need, God will meet mine. The best way to be fulfilled is to get one’s mind off himself and reach out to others. Go extra mile to show love. Be willing to be inconvenienced to help those who desperately need your encouragement and help.

You are never more like God than when you give, when we do something good for someone who can never repay.  


 Feed your Good Habits

People who get ahead in life usually get there in time: Do not allow yourself to be late. Punctuality is an easy habit to develop.

It is not so much to break a bad habit, replace them with good ones. Take responsibility to recognize what is wrong in you and choose to change.

Think long and hard before buying things that put you in debt. Keep in mind that financial pressure is one top reason why modern marriages fall apart.

Do not allow small things (addition to drug, temper, impatience, greed, etc) control you. The power in you is greater than the one trying to hold you down. Your habits today determine your future.

Develop a Habit of Happiness

Happiness does not depend on your circumstances… it is a choice you make: In spite of dire dilemmas, remain positive, upbeat and energetic. If you have trained yourself to be negative, you will ever be worried, frustrated, depressed and constantly complaining.

Don’t magnify your problem, magnify God: get out of discouragement and come over to joy. Being positive does not come naturally; we need to make conscious daily decision.

Handling Criticism

Criticism when seen as an insightful point of light presented by someone who truly has one’s best interests at heart can illuminate areas where there is need for improvement.

However, we need to recognize that we cannot stop people from talking negatively, one should run his race … do not spend all your time trying to win over your critics.

Your life is not determined by your critics: quit listening to what naysayers are telling you and stop living to please people. Shake off and keep pressing forward in life.   

Do not allow the criticism change you. Be tough outside but be tender on the inside. Laugh at yourself, do not allow unwarranted criticism create stress in your life, stay focused.

Keep Yourself Happy

God has not called you to be unhappy simply to keep somebody else happy: As long as you allow someone to pressure you into doing what he or she wants, he or she will continue to do it. You need to confront it, do not allow yourself to be manipulated. Exam why you do things and be sure it is not out of guilt or trying to please someone else.


Embrace the Place where you are

Faith doesn’t always instantly deliver you, but it carries you through:  If you are not getting your way through, or your time table is not working, God is not punishing you. S of your lifeGet a bigger vision; He may want to take you to a new level. Get to a point when you will trust Him either you get your way or not. Embrace where you are and keep passing the tests, God is in control.

It is well with my Soul

The key to passing the tests is to remain in peace, at rest. Determine in your mind that you are not going to be depressed. 

It is important to know that not all God does is about you. Sometimes you may pass through challenging experiences to help others in need.

Stay in Peace

You can have peace in the midst of difficulties, you can be in the storm, but don’t let the storm get in you. Do has eagle does and rise up above; whenever, storm comes, an eagle does not just go through the storm, but it spreads out its wings and catches a little more wind and rises above it. God is in control, look for God’s hand in everyday of your life. Trust Him even in small things


Rising Higher

Any time you obey, a blessing will follow. Obedience is a seed sown on good ground and with time it will grow and rise higher.     

Develop a Tender Conscience

Learn to be sensitive. Pay attention to what you are feeling inside and do not override your conscience. If your conscience is clear, then life is good because you will have clear vision and direction.

Deal with the Root Issues

Do not only fix the surface; Go deeper into the root and start dealing with the source of challenges and realistically expect positive changes.  


 Plan for Blessing - Quit putting faith in wrong places. 

Develop a habit of smiling on purpose. Your smile is a million-dollar asset. If you are not using it, you are doing yourself a disservice.

Put some actions behind your prayers. Move from only believing that God can open doors to expecting something good in your life.

Don’t believe the never lies, quit looking at what is wrong in your life and start being grateful for what is right. See everyday has gift from God.

We attract what we continually think about. Learn to turn things around through grateful attitude and think about God’s goodness. Miracles are all around you…     


1 comment:

  1. You just have to keep going with a positive attitude and face your problems. Start out everyday with a positive attitude towards life. Plan to give it your best shot.
